Thursday, July 10, 2014

So what DO ghosts look like?

I have had quite a few email on this one. It is a good question and there are several answers, but what you see on You Tube probably isn't it.

I have seen the "Other Side" all my life. The first time I can recall,  was when I was about 4-5 years old. My Mom told me I was seeing things...literally...before then. That is 50 years of otherworldly spotting experience.  I didn't jump on the band wagon with the first episode of Ghost Hunters. I was ghost hunting with my cousins when we were all around 8-13 years old. That was in the 60's my friends.

The psychic side of me gives me a little "cheater". I look at stuff and immediately know if it something paranormal, it is received differently to me. Not everybody has a cheater, so what is a person to do?

First of all, beware of any picture that is blurry or is supposed to come from a security camera and is fuzzy. Security cameras haven't been fuzzy for over a decade, they are as clear as your TV screen. I doubt anyone has those cameras anymore.

People blur their photos that they fake so you can't see the "smoke and mirrors", like the edgges of the 1870's photo.

I have seen a few different things in my life. I have seen things that were never human (and no, they aren't all demons, there are many other beings), but the spirits of the world all come in just a few ways. 

People will see them as:

What looks just like a normal person. Full and solid, right down to items that are with that person.You don't know they are a ghost until they disappear.

What looks like a normal person missing parts of their body. Maybe they are moving along without legs for instance.

A flash of a piece of a person, again clear and solid, out of the corner of your eye. A dress that goes around the corner, or maybe a foot or shoe.

A mist. Usually dark. (Make sure you are not mistaking for breath on a cold day, etc for the mist, when you see one inside, you are pretty well guaranteed).

A black outline of a human. Many cannot fully develop, so they appear as a mist or silhouette.

The last one is still a mystery to us, although I believe they are totally of another "species". Black Shadow People (BSP). The ones listed above are not actually BSP, although I would say they look like them. Spirits however can and will communicate. BSP either can't or won't communicate. Their tell tale outline is different, in that there is always flowing garments, maybe capes or robes. They are sometimes very dark and solid, and sometimes lighter, making people believe they are "see through" like the old movie ghosts most faked on videos. I really do not believe they are the dearly departed of this world, but a whole other group. They don't give off the same energy and feel very different, they also can move very quickly, or step into a wall, especially in shadow, so they are standing right there as part of a larger shadow and you never know it.

Orbs are NOT ghosts. Orbs do NOT indicate ghostly activity! There is sometimes orb activity when there is paranormal activity, however usually not. There are also light anomalies (zipping lights) that are some type of unmanifested spirit. They are very clear and very deliberate in their movement. They are not perfectly round.  Just about every picture I have seen where someone said "orb", it was really dust, pollen or water vapor. Most parapsychologists believe orbs are energy displaced , sometimes by spirits, but more likely a result of something else, like what we call angels or nature spirits, not ghosts at all.

Spirits always have an effect on the environment, but it is NOT always the same. They may cause an effect like something moving, or for instance grass being crushed down. They may make the temperature fall OR rise! They can make you feel "creeped out"...or feel nothing at all, but may cause meter readings. Sometimes we can hear them, out loud, on an EVP, or a spirit box.They always have an effect however.

Most people see spirits so clearly that they don't realize it until the spirit is gone.

Most (99%) of what you see online is faked. Most is faked so badly if you stop and look carefully you will figure it out. The only real ghost photos I have seen have come from paranormal teams, not individuals.

I have seen 3 different ghost cats (all appeared solid and others saw each one of them), and 6-7 humans. One I am not sure of , as it happened so quickly. I have seen tons of shadow spirits and BSP. I have seen a few in the other categories, like angels, nature spirits, and the like.

You can also smell them. Their perfume, aftershave, nicotine, or food.

What ghosts DON'T look like are those blurry figures prancing all over home made video. Sometimes BSP can be vague, but spirits, no, that is right out of the movies. It has become popular to be a ghost hunter and everyone wants to show "evidence" and get a little attention.

I have seen things move, I have seen and heard many things not of this earth, but if you think they look like a round ball of blurry light, a blurry half see through person walking down a hall, or a white sheet, you have been watching too much You Tube.

Happy Hunting!

Dr Regina Wolf (C) 2014 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Roads Hotel

This past weekend, nine investigators from PRIOV went to investigate the Roads Hotel (now a private residence). A member had been there a few years ago, and suggested the location. Lots of work has been done on the house, and it is being returned to its' original glory. The owner Chris was a wonderful host and we all had a great time.

We had many wonderful experiences, and I have several Class A EVPs from the trip, others also have EVPS, and there is still video evidence to go over. There are more EVP videos and pictures posted on our Facebook page:

We experienced almost constant chatter from the spirits. We had personal encounters, and experienced many of the claims that the hotel puts forth.

It was wonderful to investigate with this great group. Everyone is always a top notch professional, and investigates thoroughly. We were all up until about 4 AM when we decided we had better sleep so we can drive home. The Hotel was still active at that time, and I have an EVP of a woman shouting "Stop IT" that occurred just before we went up to sleep in our haunted room. We all plan to return.

Great location, great owners, great investigators, and a great investigation. a perfect way to spend a Saturday night!

Remember to check out our webpage and contact us if you need help!
Happy Hunting!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Three is not a bad number

(From the blog Metaphysical to Mundane)

I watch up and coming "ghost hunters", and it is amazing what effect social media has had on them. When I first started studying paranormal activity in the late 1970's, you rarely heard the word "demon". Now it seems like there is one lurking in every dark corner (there really isn't).

I have a love/hate relationship with paranormal investigation shows. They are wonderful for showing people that there is life after death and that people who "see ghosts" don't belong in the insane asylum. However, people think that everything they do is totally valid. It isn't.

Three has become a "bad number". Once on a Ghost Adventures episode a priest told Zach Bagans that his three scratches were the "mocking of the trinity" and that it was a demonic attack. Demons will scratch you with 10 lines if they want to.  Three scratches does NOT mean it is a demonic entity that scratched you, just a powerful spirit, or one who has been on the other side a while and has figured things out. I know people who have been scratched and punched and none of them were attacked, nor possessed by a demon. Three is not a bad number.

Reach your hand out in front of you right now, palm down , as if you are going to run your hand down many fingers face down (scratch position)? The answer is is the easiest way, and the natural way for a hand to reach out and scratch you. Thumbs face in and pinkies are shorter and don't reach. Can you force five fingers? Sure you can, but naturally, the scratch would be three, index, middle and ring fingers.

I have even seen a YouTube video where a "investigator" is claiming that a K2 in the red is a demon. This is utter nonsense. It is simply a reading of over 20 MilliGauss. That's all. My microwave reads over 20, it isn't possessed that I know of. K2 meters do not always pick up spirit activity. You can have things happening in an area, and the needle never moves. There are also times when it is off the charts, and the reason is a natural occurrence. The red however does NOT indicate demonic activity.

I have been looking for answers for over 30 years. Studied parapsychology, psychology, religion, and have a degree in psychology and metaphysics. I have only been in two places in all that time, that I could say there was something "evil" in it. Nasty spirits, yes, things that never lived on this earth, yes (and just becasue they never lived on this earth doesn't make them demons, a prime example is angels!), nature spirits, yes, and natural phenomenoon, yes. Paranormal activity, tons of it, yes. Most likely demonic, twice.

Please do not believe everything you see on YouTube and read on the net.Many times spirits will act aggressive, although they are pretty weak, just to get you to leave them alone. They growl, just like you can if you try right now, that doesn't make you or it a demon.

I get tons of email of people asking if they have an attachment, a possession. So far all they have been attached and possessed to is the Ghost Adventures TV show.

I have had hundreds of paranormal experiences in my life, and hope to have many more, however for those who think the number three, and growls indicate demonic activity, you are way off base. One other note...that "flashlight communication" trick is pure garbage. Half turned on lights will flash when they want to. Watch carefully next time and you will see that the flashes do not match the questions....they just turn on and off at random.

We did a little experiment once at Villisca and asked if a former member was a purple cat. The answer was "yes". The silly questions went on for about 5 minutes, with the lights arcing off and on. You want answers from a spirit? Get a good digital voice recorder and /or a Spirit box. You will hear the investigators say the spirit is "excite" or "confused", no it is just general physics.

The paranormal is not all that hard to find out. A good investigator checks EVERYTHING to see why an event happened. They do not sit in a chair and say " I heard a noise, it's a ghost". They see what the noise was, and how it was made....and they certainly don't say "three knocks, its a demon!"

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2014 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Spirit Box vs Voice recorders.

I wrote this last year under another blog I author.
I know that the recorders and spirit box seem to get their input from different places. I have yet to figure out exactly what is going on. I don't think one is necessarily better than the other , but why do they get two different responses, and types of responses?

While going through my recorder yesterday I noticed that I had some EVPs. I was a little surprised as I thought that the SB7 (sometimes known as "spirit Box" or "ghost box"), would pick up everything. It is supposed to be the easiest system for the spirits to use. They have white noise and sounds from radio stations to paste into words and phrases.

The spirit box does NOT pick up everything, and it is still a bit of a mystery as to how this all works.

I still have sessions to go through, and this particular session had NO ghost box running during it. It seems that the longer we were there, the louder and more clear the voices became. I do know that an investigator had her new camera and SB7 batteries sucked dry. She couldn't use either until we left and replaced them. Maybe the spirits used her batteries to communicate better and louder. They are communicating in a different way than those who use the spirit box. We already knew this to be true, however it seems that some spirits who talk on recorders must be older and stronger than spirits who use the SB7.

It looks like you should use EVP recorders to get the older spirits of a place to communicate, and the SB7 for newer. Then last night I had a thought. Maybe the SB7 picks up spirits that aren't even in the location. They are using radio station waves that are all around us. I posed the question to our founder and he agreed it was a possibility. Maybe next time we will have to ask "Where are you?" The old spirits would have to be right there with us for the recorders to pick up their voices, however, do the spirits who use the ghost box? Can they, like the DJ , be miles away? I guess that is a question for Gary Galka. I DO know that when we run recorders and spirit box. We get different voices/answers on both.This means that not only are they using different methods to communicate, btu the SB7 voices cannot be spirits in the room as they do not make a "double voice" on the recorder. It is not a combination of a clear voice and a static ridden voice box voice saying the same thing at the same time. I don't think the SB7 spirits are near enough to us to be picked up by the recorder.

We received VERY different style, attitude and response from the old spirits than the ones on the ghost box. The ones on the ghost box were curt, rude, cursing and never gave any information. The recorder had just the opposite. I think I will stick with my recorder. I always thought that the spirit box was a cool thing, but now I see no need for it, and am not sure exactly where it is picking up from. It is also hard to hear and decipher sometimes. Our team member who has one is going to try a differnt type of speaker, we will see if theat clarifies the responses. Every time we asked how many spirits were int he house on the SB7, we had no answer. Maybe because they didn't know. Maybe they are just passing through or aren't even in the house! When I asked those same questions last year on the recorder I not only got a total, but was told how many males and how many females were in the house. This doesn't mean the spirit box cannot answer those questions, but I think it picks up newer, weaker spirits. They aren't exactly the best sources of information and certainly not as good as old spirits. I guess it is our craving for instant satisfaction that makes the spirit boxes and Shack hacks so popular.

I still suggest a good paranormal investigation team use both systems. 

I still am not sure if my recorded voices are of the Moore or Stillinger family.. We don't have anything to prove or disprove that. I do however have a child singing, and I would think that is more likely a Moore child (it sounds like a boy). I have a song, an "OK", and a spirit mimicking me with "all say" after I said to a fellow investigator, "that's what they all say". I have more on that first session including footsteps and thumps that we heard with our own ears. I still have a couple of sessions to go.

When you can only afford one tool, buy a recorder. Not only will you pick up spirits , but you will have a record of it for later, where with the spirit box, unless you attach a recorder, or tape it with a video camera, the replies will be lost.

The EVPs are being put with video so they can be posted and I will post them at a later date.

There is so much good stuff out there to discover and methods to fine tune. Just remember, do NOT learn all you know from a TV show, and learn from different groups and people. Experiment and see what happens!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Old South Pittsburg Hospital

I have wanted to go to this location for over 2 years, and finally made it a reality. There were so many negative 9and completely untrue) rumors about this place. We went with a small group (we were supposed to have 6 people, but at the last minute, one person's son became ill), and six would have been a good number for the place.

It isn't for those who are easily "creeped out", or have issues with child spirits (which are in the entire building). It also isn't a place for those who have an issue with black shadow people. They are all over, are not shy, and will come right up on you.

First let me say that all the rumors about them closing are NOT true. They are open, authentic, and run by really great people. Anyone who says otherwise is full of let's now move onward and forward to the location.....

We had a large area to cover (three floors), and luckily had 2 IR systems and  a ton of other equipment. We still have to go over the video, which always seems to take forever....but we do have some evidence already available.

When we were being given the tour we walked through 2 hallways that were pitch black. You could barely see anything at all. I thought that my husband was right in front of me, and that if I was not careful I would walk into him (neither of us had a flashlight), as we came into the light, I saw that my husband was actually about 10-12 feet in front of me. It was the creepiest place I have been to in a while, each time I walked through I realize black shadow people were getting closer and closer. Then they literally are walking right next to you and touching groups. It isn't for the faint hearted for sure!

We set up, including 2 floors entirely covered by IR video systems, and off we went to investigate. I have about 10 Class A EVP, and a recording of a disembodied voice. There is a third floor (OB GYN) that is full of children, but I recorded a child's voice in the basement. They are all over the hospital and apparently outnumber the adult spirits. There are men there that are pretty rough. it is said that when the hospital first opened that there were strange things going on. A civil war battle was fought near by and a ferry landing for soldiers is less than 2 miles away. Many of the spirits were probably there before the hospital.

We were told that there was a nasty, cursing spirit in the records room. There was, but we didn't hear him until later on EVP. I didn't know what he said until I got home. We walked into the area and he said "Get out Fuc*&rs". Nice guy....but we didn't know and didn't leave. We then took out the SB7 spirit box and at first everyone was quiet. I asked the spirits to help us test it and to just say a word that meant nothing. A man said "whisper" . When a fellow investigator asked what word he said,  I said, "I think whisper", and the voice box said "Yes". Then we said do you want us to leave, we got TWO "yes" replies from two different voices. The video is here.

We left the area as we promised and after a little bit more investigating we went to the haunted hospital, in hospital rooms. Yes, you sleep in the haunted hospital. You are on your own, and there is no "safe area".

The next morning we ate and investigated a bit more. When we were packing up, in the daylight, I captured a few EVPs. We also had something that indicates strong spirit activity, a disembodied voice. The video sounds like a whisper, and there is noise of my husband taking down cameras, but I have learned to ALWAYS have my recorder on. It was a very gruff and loud "HEY". Another investigator and I heard it and reacted to it. I walked down the hallway, but the speaker didn't want to interact any more, and we were running out of time. I went downstairs to tell the other half of the group, and after I did, I placed the recorder on a table that I was removing a camera from....and got a loud whispered "Hey" (apparently the favorite term of spirits right after "get out"). I have both of them on the attached video:

This place included us seeing and feeling black shadow people, disembodied voices, warm and cold drafts, spirit box activity, EVPs and being touched. We had a great time and plan to return.

The Hales Bar Marina (which was on Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters) is literally 2 miles away, it is not open for tours at this time, but maybe someday we can do both!

This is a great place for experienced investigators, and people not afraid to sleep in hunted locations. It is one of the creepiest feeling ones that I have been in , in a long time. Thanks to the staff and owners, great job! We will be back!!!

Dr Regina Wolf

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Off to a Great Start!

We are off to a great start. We have several investigations booked already including private, business and established venues. We have booked Thomas House, Waverly Hills , Roads Hotel and more. We are going to be a very active and helpful group.

It really is important to us to not only investigate, but to help. Some other groups out there just say "yeah it is haunted" and off they go. We help. We advise, we cleanse, we call in the troops if need be. We have over 40 years of knowledge of "the other side", a haunting isn't just always a spirit who wants to hang around. We use both the metaphysical and the scientific to come to conclusions, and always make sure we are available to help.

Our team is now officially 15 members, our desired maximum. We are not here to be the biggest ghost hunting group, just one of the best and most helpful. We like quality over quantity. We will keep everyone updated of our activities and publish our results when we can (some people like to keep their hantings private, and that is perfectly OK).

I hope that you all have a wonderful and peaceful day!
Thanks to all those who are supporting us in this endeavor.

Love and Light!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Greetings from Paranormal Research and Investigations Ohio Valley

We are a non profit organization of experienced investigators, including psychics, sensitives and scientific minds. We not only investigate but HELP. We advise, we cleanse, and we have a great success rate.

We are a group that is not a "social " group out for fun and games. We are a group of 13 serious, dedicated , seasoned and experienced members who all have to show professionalism and knowledge to become an investigator.We have equipment with a proven track record, and do not use equipment not proven in the field.

We also have 2 satellite members who help when they can. We have members who have been exploring the metaphysical for over 40 years. Our psychic has been doing successful psychic work, including paranormal investigations for over 40 years. Our founder has a PhD in Metaphysical Sciences from an accredited university (IMM Sedona), and completed a parapsychology course in the 1970's through a major University (she also has a degree in psychology as does another member). We are able to approach any issue from the technical end ( we have a master electrician in our group), to the metaphysical end, to the psychological end. We have more equipment than we need so that we have back up equipment.

We are a group of educated, and professional people who treat each investigation with the same dedication and intensity, but with the individual care it needs. We have extensive education in the paranormal field. All of our members have not only directly experienced paranormal investigations, but have taken classes, been to teaching events outside regular classroom, and are highly knowledgeable.

We have many years experience in cleansings ( my personal first cleansing was in 1974), and include a system that works well for us along with a reiki system (we have several reiki masters as group members), Christian system and Native American system. 

We have investigated homes and businesses and some of the major sites around the US, such as Waverly, Villisca, and many bed and breakfast/ haunted hotels. We have helped many people and have a perfect success rate.

Our members are mostly located in Evansville, but we have members in KY, and MO. We investigate anywhere in the Ohio Valley all the way out to Missouri.

When you need a professional team to help who can also cleanse and approach your issue from several directions, give us a call. Over 40 years experience is hard to beat! All investigations are free, all members need to be voted in and prove their ability, and all investigations are confidential, unless we are instructed to share.

We are also available to give talks to help others understand the paranormal. There is NEVER a fee for anything we do. We will also answer any general questions you have. Also check out our psychic's blog at: triplemoongoddessgina at

Please feel free to contact us through this site.

Thank you!