Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Old South Pittsburg Hospital

I have wanted to go to this location for over 2 years, and finally made it a reality. There were so many negative 9and completely untrue) rumors about this place. We went with a small group (we were supposed to have 6 people, but at the last minute, one person's son became ill), and six would have been a good number for the place.

It isn't for those who are easily "creeped out", or have issues with child spirits (which are in the entire building). It also isn't a place for those who have an issue with black shadow people. They are all over, are not shy, and will come right up on you.

First let me say that all the rumors about them closing are NOT true. They are open, authentic, and run by really great people. Anyone who says otherwise is full of let's now move onward and forward to the location.....

We had a large area to cover (three floors), and luckily had 2 IR systems and  a ton of other equipment. We still have to go over the video, which always seems to take forever....but we do have some evidence already available.

When we were being given the tour we walked through 2 hallways that were pitch black. You could barely see anything at all. I thought that my husband was right in front of me, and that if I was not careful I would walk into him (neither of us had a flashlight), as we came into the light, I saw that my husband was actually about 10-12 feet in front of me. It was the creepiest place I have been to in a while, each time I walked through I realize black shadow people were getting closer and closer. Then they literally are walking right next to you and touching groups. It isn't for the faint hearted for sure!

We set up, including 2 floors entirely covered by IR video systems, and off we went to investigate. I have about 10 Class A EVP, and a recording of a disembodied voice. There is a third floor (OB GYN) that is full of children, but I recorded a child's voice in the basement. They are all over the hospital and apparently outnumber the adult spirits. There are men there that are pretty rough. it is said that when the hospital first opened that there were strange things going on. A civil war battle was fought near by and a ferry landing for soldiers is less than 2 miles away. Many of the spirits were probably there before the hospital.

We were told that there was a nasty, cursing spirit in the records room. There was, but we didn't hear him until later on EVP. I didn't know what he said until I got home. We walked into the area and he said "Get out Fuc*&rs". Nice guy....but we didn't know and didn't leave. We then took out the SB7 spirit box and at first everyone was quiet. I asked the spirits to help us test it and to just say a word that meant nothing. A man said "whisper" . When a fellow investigator asked what word he said,  I said, "I think whisper", and the voice box said "Yes". Then we said do you want us to leave, we got TWO "yes" replies from two different voices. The video is here.

We left the area as we promised and after a little bit more investigating we went to the haunted hospital, in hospital rooms. Yes, you sleep in the haunted hospital. You are on your own, and there is no "safe area".

The next morning we ate and investigated a bit more. When we were packing up, in the daylight, I captured a few EVPs. We also had something that indicates strong spirit activity, a disembodied voice. The video sounds like a whisper, and there is noise of my husband taking down cameras, but I have learned to ALWAYS have my recorder on. It was a very gruff and loud "HEY". Another investigator and I heard it and reacted to it. I walked down the hallway, but the speaker didn't want to interact any more, and we were running out of time. I went downstairs to tell the other half of the group, and after I did, I placed the recorder on a table that I was removing a camera from....and got a loud whispered "Hey" (apparently the favorite term of spirits right after "get out"). I have both of them on the attached video:

This place included us seeing and feeling black shadow people, disembodied voices, warm and cold drafts, spirit box activity, EVPs and being touched. We had a great time and plan to return.

The Hales Bar Marina (which was on Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters) is literally 2 miles away, it is not open for tours at this time, but maybe someday we can do both!

This is a great place for experienced investigators, and people not afraid to sleep in hunted locations. It is one of the creepiest feeling ones that I have been in , in a long time. Thanks to the staff and owners, great job! We will be back!!!

Dr Regina Wolf

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