Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Off to a Great Start!

We are off to a great start. We have several investigations booked already including private, business and established venues. We have booked Thomas House, Waverly Hills , Roads Hotel and more. We are going to be a very active and helpful group.

It really is important to us to not only investigate, but to help. Some other groups out there just say "yeah it is haunted" and off they go. We help. We advise, we cleanse, we call in the troops if need be. We have over 40 years of knowledge of "the other side", a haunting isn't just always a spirit who wants to hang around. We use both the metaphysical and the scientific to come to conclusions, and always make sure we are available to help.

Our team is now officially 15 members, our desired maximum. We are not here to be the biggest ghost hunting group, just one of the best and most helpful. We like quality over quantity. We will keep everyone updated of our activities and publish our results when we can (some people like to keep their hantings private, and that is perfectly OK).

I hope that you all have a wonderful and peaceful day!
Thanks to all those who are supporting us in this endeavor.

Love and Light!

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