Thursday, July 10, 2014

So what DO ghosts look like?

I have had quite a few email on this one. It is a good question and there are several answers, but what you see on You Tube probably isn't it.

I have seen the "Other Side" all my life. The first time I can recall,  was when I was about 4-5 years old. My Mom told me I was seeing things...literally...before then. That is 50 years of otherworldly spotting experience.  I didn't jump on the band wagon with the first episode of Ghost Hunters. I was ghost hunting with my cousins when we were all around 8-13 years old. That was in the 60's my friends.

The psychic side of me gives me a little "cheater". I look at stuff and immediately know if it something paranormal, it is received differently to me. Not everybody has a cheater, so what is a person to do?

First of all, beware of any picture that is blurry or is supposed to come from a security camera and is fuzzy. Security cameras haven't been fuzzy for over a decade, they are as clear as your TV screen. I doubt anyone has those cameras anymore.

People blur their photos that they fake so you can't see the "smoke and mirrors", like the edgges of the 1870's photo.

I have seen a few different things in my life. I have seen things that were never human (and no, they aren't all demons, there are many other beings), but the spirits of the world all come in just a few ways. 

People will see them as:

What looks just like a normal person. Full and solid, right down to items that are with that person.You don't know they are a ghost until they disappear.

What looks like a normal person missing parts of their body. Maybe they are moving along without legs for instance.

A flash of a piece of a person, again clear and solid, out of the corner of your eye. A dress that goes around the corner, or maybe a foot or shoe.

A mist. Usually dark. (Make sure you are not mistaking for breath on a cold day, etc for the mist, when you see one inside, you are pretty well guaranteed).

A black outline of a human. Many cannot fully develop, so they appear as a mist or silhouette.

The last one is still a mystery to us, although I believe they are totally of another "species". Black Shadow People (BSP). The ones listed above are not actually BSP, although I would say they look like them. Spirits however can and will communicate. BSP either can't or won't communicate. Their tell tale outline is different, in that there is always flowing garments, maybe capes or robes. They are sometimes very dark and solid, and sometimes lighter, making people believe they are "see through" like the old movie ghosts most faked on videos. I really do not believe they are the dearly departed of this world, but a whole other group. They don't give off the same energy and feel very different, they also can move very quickly, or step into a wall, especially in shadow, so they are standing right there as part of a larger shadow and you never know it.

Orbs are NOT ghosts. Orbs do NOT indicate ghostly activity! There is sometimes orb activity when there is paranormal activity, however usually not. There are also light anomalies (zipping lights) that are some type of unmanifested spirit. They are very clear and very deliberate in their movement. They are not perfectly round.  Just about every picture I have seen where someone said "orb", it was really dust, pollen or water vapor. Most parapsychologists believe orbs are energy displaced , sometimes by spirits, but more likely a result of something else, like what we call angels or nature spirits, not ghosts at all.

Spirits always have an effect on the environment, but it is NOT always the same. They may cause an effect like something moving, or for instance grass being crushed down. They may make the temperature fall OR rise! They can make you feel "creeped out"...or feel nothing at all, but may cause meter readings. Sometimes we can hear them, out loud, on an EVP, or a spirit box.They always have an effect however.

Most people see spirits so clearly that they don't realize it until the spirit is gone.

Most (99%) of what you see online is faked. Most is faked so badly if you stop and look carefully you will figure it out. The only real ghost photos I have seen have come from paranormal teams, not individuals.

I have seen 3 different ghost cats (all appeared solid and others saw each one of them), and 6-7 humans. One I am not sure of , as it happened so quickly. I have seen tons of shadow spirits and BSP. I have seen a few in the other categories, like angels, nature spirits, and the like.

You can also smell them. Their perfume, aftershave, nicotine, or food.

What ghosts DON'T look like are those blurry figures prancing all over home made video. Sometimes BSP can be vague, but spirits, no, that is right out of the movies. It has become popular to be a ghost hunter and everyone wants to show "evidence" and get a little attention.

I have seen things move, I have seen and heard many things not of this earth, but if you think they look like a round ball of blurry light, a blurry half see through person walking down a hall, or a white sheet, you have been watching too much You Tube.

Happy Hunting!

Dr Regina Wolf (C) 2014 

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