Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Randolph County Infirmary. PRIOV private investigation Aug 20-21, 2016

This was PRIOV's first investigation at Randolph County Infirmary. Hopefully there will be another, but a tour group has booked it every weekend...which I don't think is a good idea, but hey, not my building. These folks do need money for restoration. I do get it, but that leaves a lot of us "out in the cold". That is a blog for another day......

The group investigated beginning on Aug 20 and ending Aug 21. We started out hot and sweaty, a couple of storms rolled through (one rained on us very hard), and the temperature dropped considerably. All things to keep in mind when investigating.

We started with 8 investigators and two more came later as they had events they needed to attend.

I try to have my recorder on all the time, and as you know, if you have read previous blogs, it pays off. First I want to say that I am no where near through with listening to the audio, nor have I watched the video yet, but it was an awesome night. This blog will mostly be on events that unfortunately, we can't show evidence on.

Several things happened that we were not able to record, or only saw the aftermath:

A checker did move on a checkerboard on the first floor, men's side. Fourth room down from the front. 

A quarter that was on a bed in the center, second floor room, moved to the room just to the left of it , facing the rear of the house.

I saw a full bodied apparition of a woman walking through the men's day room on the second floor. I actually thought someone had sneaked in. I went to the doorway, and no one was in there. I later realized she had on a long skirt, so she probably was pre-1920. She looked as real as you or I.

Another team member had a similar experience where the side door behind the kitchen exits the house. A woman, long light hair, in light colored clothing, then she just disappeared.

There were black shadow people. I saw one on the second floor.

Footsteps, knocking, doors slamming, hearing distant voices or whispers (we did catch some of those), and laughter (which sounded like children (hopefully we caught on an audio camera).

People heard movement, scratching, etc while we were all gathered in the main room at the front.

Some person experiences were, I felt my hair being messed with and my husband saw my pony tail move. Others felt touched, or that "spider web" experience. No one was scratched or harmed in any way.

The building seems to be a mix of residual and intelligent haunting. I know we had two team members names on EVPs so far (intelligent haunting).....and remember we have a LONG way to go.  I have a VERY clear EVP that I will post below, this was caught during set up. Hopefully I will have a "Part II" blog with lots more information after we review everything.

Set up for this Youtube video:
Two of us were in the basement setting up, when a child said "Come play! May I have ball". It is an EVP, we did not hear it, nor react to it. He responded a second time, more softly and sounding dejected that no one was playing.


This was a great place to investigate and we will go back there as soon as we can, but since we are so picky about our evidence, not in a public / tour group setting.

Don't forget to check out our videos of all our great locations and evidence on Youtube!

Hope that you can find the time to visit!
More to come!

Regina Wolf
Co-founder PRIOV

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