Tuesday, May 24, 2016

We won't leave you hanging , and are one of Evansville's most experienced paranormal investigation teams.

There are plenty of "ghost hunting" groups around these days. I prefer the term "paranormal investigating", as it isn't always "ghosts" that are the problem. Many of the groups around today have watched the TV shows, and thought it looked, fun, exciting, or interesting. Maybe they just like being on the cutting edge of new things.

 We have people with 40 plus years experience; people who have investigated in 15 different states; people who have gone to classes, and studied under people who have been teaching for decades.People who work in the metaphysical every day!

We aren't like that. I started investigating back when I was in my early teens. It was because I lived in a VERY haunted house ( i moved into in 1970), and I had (and still do have), abilities. I kept telling my Mom about "the man in the chair", and "something in the attic", that we later found to be the homeowner, who killed his wife (she was in the attic). I didn't have K2, Spirit Box, or an IR camera. It was totally "old school". I learned how to keep those spirits at bay, although when I left the home, many were still there.

This was all before Ghost Hunters made the paranormal popular. I am sure Jason and Grant were barely in school at the time, and there were not many investigators around.Now the information, tools, and help is almost endless.

A few years ago my husband and I started our own group so we could travel more to all those great places we saw on TV, after all , the only way to really get good at this, is to do it, and to do it in an authentically haunted and active location. We started PRIOV (Paranormal Research Investigation , Ohio Valley). We have traveled to quite a few and have more on the "bucket list'.

We always promised that even though we formed a group to travel,  we would help those in need. We didn't push it too hard as there are a few groups in the area, and as I said , many of them have just jumped on the bandwagon...not all, but many. This has led to an issue. There are people who have a few paranormal groups in to help, and nothing happens as far as help for them. Really knowing how to help involves a TON of learning, experience and ability. We have that. We have several Reiki Masters, several psychics/sensitives, those who know Native American cleansings, religious cleansings, and more. We have studied, experienced, and helped. My husband and I have cleansed many households and the home owners have not to our knowledge ever had another issue. I also teach psychic development, and other metaphysical classes. I do readings every day , sometimes an exhausting 30 of them (my limit).

We are based in Evansville, but do paranormal investigations all over the Ohio Valley. We travel to hauntd venues all over the US.

There are many who write and ask for information, as a local group has come out, said "Yes it is haunted", and left them with their same issue, many times a more "ramped up" issue than they had. We don't say it is haunted and leave. We address it right away. We don't leave you hanging!

Many times I email the homeowners on what to do, they do it, and say "it worked", and they are good. Sometimes we have to go and do work to get some stubborn spirits to cooperate. We never investigate for our thrill , and an EVP collection,  and then leave the homeowner with the same problem he had when we came, and that is a huge issue these days.

Many claim also to be ministers. They aren't. They sent in a form and got a title. I am an ordained minister, not only did I have 2 years of classes, and an ordination,  but pay to be registered and file reports showing my activity.  I also have a Masters in religious studies, PhD in metaphysical sciences, and a Bachelors in Psychology. I am a certified Reiki Master who went through 5 years of training, and had in person attunements and classes. I did everything the right way, not the "quick, cheap and easy" way. The same is true of my crew. All who are part of the group have extensive training or are in training. Those in training are not brought in to home investigations until they are educated, experienced and ready.

Some investigators will tell you they are never scared. They are either lying or they don't pick up on anything that is going on. The key is not to ever be scared, they key is to be scared and hold your ground. Most seasoned investigators do not get scared by much, they are seasoned and used to things, but there are some things out there that will make you feel VERY uncomfortable. We face it, we don't run. We keep all investigations and their evidence confidential. You will never see any evidence collected at your home on our Facebook page, website, etc. Never. The only evidence we post is from investigations at public venues!

We have many pieces of equipment and use them to determine if there is indeed and issue. The psychic/sensitive part enters in on what we are addressing and how to handle it.

I will also tell you however, that if we feel someone is in any way dangerous, or being inauthentic, we will not put ourselves in danger in that way. The living are many times more dangerous than the paranormal!

I write this as I hear so often, and have again recently , that local groups go out, get their evidence, and disappear from the homeowner's life. That is completely inappropriate and inexcusable. Those who investigate and cannot mediate, need to have the ability to bring in others that can. When they don't have that ability or resource, they shouldn't be investigating homes and businesses at all!

When you honestly need help, by authentic , trained, and experienced investigators, we will help.
Our webpage is :


You can also find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ParanormalRESEARCHInvestigationOV/

We have many videos on Youtube.com , put "PRIOV" in the search key!

We are serious about what we do! We feel we are always learning, there is NO ego in helping people.

Love and Light
Regina Wolf, Co- Founder PRIOV

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