Monday, August 3, 2015

Trans Alleghney Lunatic Assylum / Weston Hospital

This year the PRIOV (Paranormal Research & Investigation, Ohio Valley), made a trip on our "bucket list". The trip was to the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston, West VA. This was our first big trip of the year. We had a great time , and I highly recommend the trip. It is one of the more expensive places to go, we each paid $185, but it was well worth it, and we plan on going back.

Not only was the asylum VERY haunted and active, but the area was beautiful, the people were great and we found lots to do and great food to eat. One member located a winery nearby, and each and every one of us made a stop there. When the lady who was pouring the wine tastings found out that my husband and I also make wine, we got a quick impromptu tour of their facility.

I am sure that all the folks who like to read about haunting are saying..."yeah yeah, get on with the spooky parts!"

Earlier in the day we did a historical tour. I am so glad that we did. It is a wonderful tour , great on history, and we got to see, at least part of the place, in broad daylight. Our guide for the historical tour was Mike and he was great. We learned much, and he took his time explaining loads of information to us.  I will say that on the tour a couple of us (many of you know I work in the metaphysical), could feel we certainly were not alone. When we got to the kitchen area it was all I could do to not run away. I have never run away yet in all my life, but my body was strongly disagreeing with my stubbornness. Another team member and I took a slow stroll to the end of the hallway where it was VERY uncomfortable.I could tell we were surrounded, and they were not happy, nice spirits. Others felt "funny" in the area also, people who claim to have no "talents", so it was strong. We later found that this is a place of high activity, growls, curse words and people getting scratched. None of us were harmed that night, but we do always act respectfully to the spirits, even when we feel they want to harm us.

There is a great little museum area in the hospital, and I also recommend that for those who want to investigate. There is artwork but the people who were once "inmates/patients" there , and it is VERY interesting to see and read their work.

That evening we came back, and were allowed into the break room to prepare. We were first committed to the asylum for various issues, and greeted by the management. We went over the rules, were given maps (you will need them), signed the releases and started the paranormal tour. Kyle was our guide that night. He is a fellow investigator, so he really knows what he is talking about,  and he knows the hospital. It was all very valuable information.

Let me take a moment to say this, if you are going to Trans Allegheny, you MUST be in decent shape to really experience the hospital. The Kirkbride Building is huge. It is a half mile across, and you have 4 floors to climb, a basement, and a center hall. There are also wings off the lower floor Civil War area. You need good legs, lungs and shoes, or you won't make it.

We did our tour and suited up. During the evening we had a couple of interesting experiences. I also have FIFTY EIGHT EVPs from that night, most class A! I have found that those with abilities get more EVPs, we attract the spirits, and they think we can pick up everything they say. My name was said in several EVPs. Please go to youtube and search under PRIOV Trans Allegheny to hear most of them. Some videos have several EVPs included, some have only one. (There are also other videos from other locations, just remove the "trans allegheny" tag from your search).

We also have an interesting group of photos, and they can be seen on our Facebook page:

We also have other EVPs and locations on that page. Please take the time to "like" and "follow" us so you can see evidence we obtain from other locations.

I have a photo that corresponds to this one interesting event. We climbed to the top floor where the criminally insane were. There were deaths in this area and there were people housed there that were violent, and in jail cells. The energy in that area is quite different from the energy in other areas. We entered the doorway into the wing and it was pitch black. We stopped for a second, and were talking when we heard a very loud dragging sound. (We have audio of this although it is faint in the recording, as it was occuring at the end of a VERY long hallway). It sounded like someone was dragging something heavy over the floor. Something in cloth or canvas. It was quite clear. This happened several times. After the first time I took a picture with a low light camera set on "nightsccape", and caught a mist in the center of the hallway.

It is best seen if you enlarge the picture and is right central in the hallway and just starting to form. Please remember that at the time all we could see was absolute blackness. The dot of light at the end of the hallway is an IR camera, and the investigator that has that system is still reviewing the video (I also still have video to review).

We thought maybe the investigator's large duffel bag was being moved, but when we walked to the end of the hallway (past the light in the picture), the bag was in its' original position. Whatever was being dragged sounded much heavier, and we now think a body was being moved. This was the second time that day that my "Spideysence" and desire to "get out of Dodge" shifted into high gear. I also felt (and this was later confirmed),  that something wanted us to separate. We stood our ground, walked down the hallway, and never could find what was making the noise.

Here is a replay of the audio of that experience.

There were a few instances where we would also hear noises at one end of the hall, go there, only to hear noises at the other end of the hall....go THERE and hear...well you get it, we were being messed with and decided to take a break.

We also had a camera move, and we need to go over the evidence to figure out if it was a "natural" occurrence or not. We had spirits twice tell us to "come outside", and were directly addressed by spirits many times. This location is full of both residual and intelligent experiences.

Needless to say , we had a great time,and every team member was up and still investigating when it came to be time to pack up. It is certainly a location we will visit again!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the location, but if you are an EXPERIENCED investigation group, you should absolutely put this place on your lst. This is NOT for those people who get easily frightened or cannot physically walk MILES a night. You need to be in decent shape, have nerves of steel and MILES of cable wire and electrical cord for your equipment!

Happy investigating!

Dr Regina Wolf, co-founder PRIOV